Fitting a model to the gas concentration curve and estimating the slope over time, using the exponential model from Zhao et al (2018)
Fits an exponential expression to the concentration evolution
t_window = 20,
cz_window = 15,
b_window = 10,
a_window = 10,
roll_width = 15,
start_cut = 0,
end_cut = 0,
start_col = "f_start",
end_col = "f_end",
datetime_col = "f_datetime",
conc_col = "f_conc",
fluxid_col = "f_fluxID"
- conc_df
dataframe of gas concentration over time
- t_window
enlarge focus window before and after tmin and tmax
- cz_window
window used to calculate Cz, at the beginning of cut window
- b_window
window to estimate b. It is an interval after tz where it is assumed that C fits the data perfectly
- a_window
window at the end of the flux to estimate a
- roll_width
width of the rolling mean for CO2 when looking for tz, ideally same as cz_window
- start_cut
time to discard at the start of the measurements (in seconds)
- end_cut
time to discard at the end of the measurements (in seconds)
- start_col
column with datetime when the measurement started
- end_col
column with datetime when the measurement ended
- datetime_col
column with datetime of each concentration measurement
- conc_col
column with gas concentration data
- fluxid_col
column with ID of each flux